Project Management for pig production facilities

Somos expertos en Project Management en instalaciones de producción porcina, ofrecemos un servicio integral a nivel internacional que engloba dirección, gestión y construcción.

We are experts in Project Management at pig production facilities, for which we offer comprehensive service at international level that includes all levels of construction management.

We design efficient solutions based on our customers’ requirements and we put our entire expertise and knowledge of the sector at your service; we know how the market works, we know the materials and manufacturers, the suppliers, the best technology systems to use in each case, standards and prices… We take charge of analysing, planning, co-ordinating and carrying out the construction of pig production facilities – our goal is to optimise and manage our customer’s resources in the best possible manner.

Project Management for pig production facilities

The driving forces

What makes us different

Animal welfare

Animal welfare

We make sure all the animal’s needs are covered. We guarantee the best standards of animal welfare in our management and construction projects for livestock production facilities.



Our projects are carried out with the required biosecurity standards at the farm in mind, employing strict measures to guarantee a safe environment.

Sustainable livestock construction

Sustainable livestock construction

We are committed to caring for the environment and we contribute to that by developing solutions aimed at improving production and reducing greenhouse gases.

We offer personalised advice throughout the project from start to finish.

Asesoramiento construcción granjas

We design the idea you have in mind, offering you a comprehensive solution, technical solvency, and optimal efficiency and dedication.

It is not what we do, but how we do it

How we work


Our motto is “It is not what we do, but how we do it”. The key to our solutions lies in what we do and how we do it: we have designed an innovative project development strategy that differs from turnkey projects and affords our customers a series of advantages:


Cost reductions (around 15%)


Higher quality in the end result


Complete adaptability to the customer’s needs

What does our workflow consist of?

Our workflow is divided into various stages and thanks to our organisation, experience, and knowledge, we complete each one successfully, moving on to the next with confidence and firmness.


During the engineering design stage, our specialists define the project in detail. For that, they use the most advanced tools on the design and modelling market. We generate a “digital twin” of the intended site, with videos walkthroughs around the digital mock-up, as well as presentations in augmented reality to offer our customer the most realistic view possible of what their pig production facilities will look like when the project is completed.

servicio ingenieria


gestión obras ganaderas

Management of the project begins by defining key management tools, producing the construction budget in detail, developing a schedule for its implementation, and defining a comprehensive list of materials and qualities, selecting each item and piece of equipment that form part of the project with utmost care. To achieve that, we carry out a selection of suppliers at international level and we follow up with procurement, contracting and invoice monitoring. We produce regular reports that enable us to keep the customer fully informed of the status and progress of the work.   


The construction stage also entails different aspects. The first of these is on-site monitoring of the work in progress, which we also complete with drone control. We monitor the work using the Aproplan digital platform. The final stage is commissioning and start-up.

servicio construcción granjas

We are consultant engineers specialising in farm construction project management 

Donde estamos

PCiTAL-Parc de Gardeny, edificio TIC, despacho 12, 25003-Lleida

Contacta con nosotros

We’d love to hear from you

Tell us about your project

    Responsable del tratamiento PRODES GESTIÓN DE OBRAS, S.L.P.
    Dirección del responsable PCiTal-Parc Gardeny , despacho 12, 25003-Lleida
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