Biosecurity on farms
We are experts in biosecurity on farms – our projects are designed with the aim of preventing the spread of pathogens.
Biosecurity on pig farms is the most effective tool to prevent disease.
External biosecurity on pig farms
Our farm construction projects include a series of animal biosecurity measures determined by our specialists and adapted to the needs of each customer:
Clearly defined entries and exits of animals, farm personnel, feed, materials and waste.
Implementation of material disinfection technologies (UV, ozone, gases, etc.)
Implementation of vehicle disinfection technologies.
Design of personnel disinfection protocols and their implementation in the construction design.
Construction of virus-free climate control systems. Incoming air treatment and filtration systems to eliminate microbial contamination from the outside.
We have an internal biosecurity protocol for pig farms. We follow strict rules on swine biosecurity, thanks to which we achieve correct farm operation, an increase in productivity, and guaranteed animal health.
External biosecurity on pig farms
Our team focuses on designing pig production farms based on animal biosecurity:
Separation of areas and buildings
Use of access control technology + GPS people movement surveillance
We are consultant engineers specialising in farm construction project management
PCiTAL-Parc de Gardeny, edificio TIC, despacho 12, 25003-Lleida
We want to meet you
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Responsable del tratamiento | OPTION ENGINEERING S.L. |
Dirección del responsable | PCiTal-Parc Gardeny , despacho 12, 25003-Lleida |
Finalidad | Sus datos serán usados para poder atender sus solicitudes y prestarle nuestros servicios. |
Publicidad | Solo le enviaremos publicidad con su autorización previa, que podrá facilitarnos mediante la casilla correspondiente establecida al efecto. |
Legitimación | Únicamente trataremos sus datos con su consentimiento previo, que podrá facilitarnos mediante la casilla correspondiente establecida al efecto. |
Destinatarios | Con carácter general, sólo el personal de nuestra entidad que esté debidamente autorizado podrá tener conocimiento de la información que le pedimos. |
Derechos | Tiene derecho a saber qué información tenemos sobre usted, corregirla y eliminarla, tal y como se explica en la información adicional disponible en nuestra página web. |
Información adicional | Más información en el apartado “SUS DATOS SEGUROS” de nuestra página web. |